Grant Porter’s expertise includes five years of academic work in quantitative analytics and healthcare policy research as well as over ten years of professional healthcare-related experience in policy development, strategic planning, forecasting, analytics and reporting, and budgeting/auditing oversight. Grant provides his clients with a unique combination of technical proficiency with relational databases (including Oracle SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and P/L SQL), a demonstrated facility with applied analytics and financial modeling, and substantive health policy expertise.
Grant has provided direct support to the Rhode Island Office of Health & Human Services and Office of Management and Budget since 2014 and the Delaware Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance since 2023. In these capacities, Grant has been responsible for a variety of business-critical projects, including financial oversight of managed care products, redesigning the state’s Medicaid caseload forecasting methodology, improving the efficiency of how the state staff approaches general analytic requests, and developing innovative business models to enable and support state budgetary targets. He is a principal author of a report and model establishing a national standard for the development of underwriting margins for Medicaid managed care.
Grant holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and Quantitative Methods from Columbia University. His dissertation focus was “Financing the Health Care Safety Net: How Federalism and Medicaid’s Funding Formula Shaped State Budgets and American Welfare.” Grant also holds B.A. in Political Science from Yale College.